Galván A (2017). The Neuroscience of Adolescence. Cambridge University Press.
In Press
Uy JP, Goldenberg D, Tashjian SM, Galván A (in press). Physical home environment is associated with prefrontal cortical thickness in adolescents. Developmental Science.
Hanson JL, Gilmore AD, Holmes CJ, Yu T, Barton AW, Beach SRH, Galván A , MacKillop J, Windle M, Chen E, Miller GE, Sweet LH, Brody GH (in press). Family focused intervention influences hippocampal-prefrontal connectivity through gains in self-regulation. Child Development.
Tashjian SM, Mullins J, Galván A (2018). Bedtime autonomy and cellphone use influence sleep duration in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.07.018
Tashjian, S. M. & Galván, A. (2018). The role of mesolimbic circuitry in buffering election-related distress. Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 2887-2898.
Guassi Moreira JF, Tashjian SM, Galván A, Silvers JA (2018). Parents versus peers: Assessing the impact of social agents on decision making in young adults. Psychological Science, 29, 1526-1539.
Tashjian, S. M., Goldenberg, D., Monti, M. M., & Galván, A. (2018). Sleep quality and adolescent default mode network connectivity. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13, 290-299.
Tashjian, S. M., Weissman, D., Guyer, A. E., & Galván, A. (2018). Neural response to prosocial scenes relates to subsequent giving behavior in adolescents: A pilot study. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18:342-352.
Breiner, K*, Li A*, Cohen AO, Steinburg L, Bonnie RJ, Scott Es, Taylor-Thompson K, Rudolph M, Chein J, Richeson JA, Dellarco DV, Fair DA, Casey BJ, Galván A (2018). Combined effects of peer presence, social cues and rewards on cognitive control in adolescents. Development Psychobiology, 60, 292-302.
Fuligni AJ, Dapretto, Galván A (2018). Broadening the impact of developmental neuroscience on the study of adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28, 150-153.
Qu Y, Galván A, Fuligni AJ, Telzer EH (2018). A biopsychosocial approach to examine Mexican-American adolescents’ academic achievement and substance use. Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences.
Gerraty R, Davidow J, Foerde K, Galván A, Bassett D, Shohamy D (2018). Dynamic flexibility in striatal-cortical circuits supports reinforcement learning. Journal of Neuroscience, pii2084-17. PMID:29431652.
Holmes CJ, Barton AW, MacKillop J, Galván A, Owens M, McCormick M, Yu T, Beach SRH, Brody GH, Sweet L (2018). Parenting and salience network connectivity among African Americans: A protective pathway for health-risk behaviors. Biological Psychiatry, 84, 365-371.
Windle, M., Gray, J.C., Lei, K.M., Barton, A.W., Brody, G., Beach, S.R.H., Galván A., MacKillop, J., Clark, U.S., & Sweet, L.H. (2018). Age sensitive associations of adolescent substance use with amygdalar, ventral striatum, and frontal volumes in young adulthood. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 186, 94-101.
Tashjian S, Goldenberg D, Galván A (2017). Neural connectivity moderates the association between sleep and impulsivity in adolescents. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 27:35-44.
Depasque S, Galván A (2017). Frontostriatal development and probabilistic reinforcement learning during adolescence. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory [Epub ahead of print].
Galván A (2017). Adolescence, brain maturation, and mental health. Nature Neuroscience, 20(4):503-504.
Rudolph MD, Miranda-Domínguez O, Cohen AO, Breiner K, Steinberg L, Bonnie RJ, Scott ES, Taylor-Thompson K, Chein J, Fettich KC, Richeson JA, Dellarco DV, Galván A, Casey BJ, Fair DA (2017). At risk of being risky: The relationship between “brain age” under emotional states and risk preference. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 24:93-106.
Uy JP, Galván A (2017). Sleep duration moderates the association between insula activation and risky decisions under stress in adolescents and adults. Neuropychologia, 95:119-129.
Goldenberg D, Telzer EH, Lieberman MD, Fuligni AJ, Galván A (2017). Greater response variability in adolescents is associated with increased white matter development. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(3):436-444.
Uy JP, Galván A (2017). Acute stress increases risky decisions and dampens prefrontal activation among adolescent boys. Neuroimage, 146:679-689.
Barkley-Levenson E, Galván A (2017). Eye blink rate predicts reward decisions in adolescents. Developmental Science, 20(3).
Brody GH, Gray JC, Yu T, Barton AW, Beach SR, Galván A, MacKillop J, Windle M, Chen E, Miller GE, Sweet LH (2017). Protective prevention effects on the association of poverty with brain development. JAMA Pediatrics, 171:46-52.
Tottenham N, Galván A (2016). Stress and the adolescent brain: Amygdala-prefrontal cortex circuitry and ventral striatum as developmental targets. Neuroscience & Behavioral Reviews, 70:217-227.
Suleiman AB, Galván A, Harden KP, Dahl RE (2016). Becoming a sexual being: The ‘elephant in the room’ of adolescent brain development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience [Epub ahead of print].
Davidow JY, Foerde K, Galván A, Shohamy D (2016). An Upside to Reward Sensitivity: The Hippocampus Supports Enhanced reinforcement Learning in Adolescence. Neuron, 92(1):93-99.
Sieving RE, Allen ML, Galván A, Rodriguez-Hager R, Beckman K, Castillo M, Gadea A, Jimbo-Llapa F, Porta C, Svetaz MV (2016). Encuentro: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Outcomes of a Culturally Tailored Teen-Parent health Promotion Program. Health Promotion Practice [Epub ahead of print].
Qu Y, Fuligni AJ, Galván A, Lieberman MD, Telzer EH (2016). Links between parental depression and longitudinal changes in youths’ neural sensitivity to rewards. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(8):1262-71.
Barkley-Levenson E, Galván A* (2016), Eye blink rate predicts reward decisions in adolescents. Developmental Science. doi: 10.1111/desc.12412. [Epub ahead of print]. Link.
Van Hoorn, J., Fuligni, A.J., Crone, E. A., & Galván A. (2016). Peer influence effects on risk-taking and prosocial decision making in adolescence: Insights from neuroimaging studies. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 10, 59-64. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2016.05.007. pdf.
Casey BJ, Galván A*, Somerville LH (2016). Beyond simple models of adolescence to an integrated circuit-based account: A commentary. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 17:128-130.
Cohen AO, Breiner K, Steinberg L, Bonnie RJ, Scott ES, Taylor-Thompson KA, Rudolph MD, Chein J, Richeson JA, Heller AS, Silverman MR, Dellarco DV, Fair DA, Galván A, Casey BJ (2016). When is an Adolescent an Adult? Assessing Cognitive Control in Emotional and Nonemotional Contexts. Psychological Science, 27(40):549-62.
Cohen AO, Dellarco DV, Breiner K, Helion C, Heller AS, Rahdar A, Pedersen G, Chein J, Dyke JP, Galván A, Casey BJ (2016). The impact of emotional states on cognitive control circuitry and function. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28:446-459.
Casey BJ, Galván A, Somerville LH (2016). Beyond simple models of adolescence to an integrated circuit-based account: A commentary. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 17:128-30.
Do K, Galván A* (2016). Exposure to smoking stimuli enhances cigarette craving in adolescent smokers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 58:186-194.
Galván A, Tottenham N (2016). Adolescent brain development. To appear in Developmental Psychopathology D. Cicchetti (Ed.). Wiley.
Do KT, Galván, A (2015). Neural sensitivity to smoking stimuli is associated with cigarette craving in adolescent smokers. Journal of Adolescent Health [Epub ahead of print].
Welborn BL, Lieberman MD, Goldenberg D, Fuligni AJ, Galván A, Telzer EH (2015). Neural mechanisms of social influence in adolescence. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [Epub ahead of print].
Qu Y, Galván A, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Telzer EH (2015). Longitudinal changes in prefrontal cortex activation underlie declines in adolescent risk taking. Journal of Neuroscience, 35:11308-1134.
Telzer EH, Goldenberg D, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A (2015). Sleep variability in adolescence is associated with altered brain development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 14:16-22.
Qu Y, Fuligni AJ, Galván A, Telzer EH (2015). Buffering effect of positive parent-child relationships on adolescent risk taking: A longitudinal neuroimaging investigation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 15:26-34.
Ballonoff Suleiman A, Johnson M, Shirtcliff E, Galván A (2015). School-based sex education and neuroscience: what we know about sex, romance, and adolescent brain development. Journal of School Health, 85:567-574.
Telzer, E.H., Fuligni, A.J., Galván A. “Identifying a Cultural Resource: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Familial Influence on Adolescent Risk Taking,” To appear in Handbook of Neuroscience.
Lydon DM, Galván A, Geier CF (2015). Adolescence and Addiction: Vulnerability, Opportunity and the role of brain development. In The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook on the Neuroscience of Addiction (Wilson S, Ed).
Casey BJ, Galván A (2015). The Teen Brain: “Arrested Development” in Resisting Temptation. In Motivation & Cognitive Control (Braver, T. Ed.)
Galván A (2015). Developmental changes in reward sensitivity and cognitive control across adolescence: Implications for desire. In The Psychology of Desire (Hoffman, W. Ed.). The Guiliford Press.
Suleiman AB, Johnson M, Shirtcliff E, Galván A (2015). School-based sex education and neuroscience: what we know about sex, romance and adolescent brain development. Journal of School Health, 85:567-574.
Telzer EH, Miernecki M, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman, MD, Galván A* (2015). The quality of adolescents’ peer relationships modulates neural sensitivity to risk taking. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10: 389-398.
Jarcho JM, Romer AL, Schechner T, Galván A, Guyer AE, Leibenluft E, Pine DS, Nelson EE. (2015). Forgetting the best when predicting the worst and: Preliminary observations on neural circuit function in adolescent social anxiety. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 13:21-31. 50.
Do, K, Galván A* (2015). FDA Cigarette Warning Labels Reduce Craving and Elicit Frontolimbic Activation in Adolescent Smokers. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [Epub ahead of print] 49.
Goldenberg D, Galván A (2015). The use of functional and effective connectivity techniques to understand the developing brain. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 12:155-164.
Telzer, EH, Fuligni, AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A (2014). Adolescents’ emotional competence is predicted by parents’ neural sensitivity to emotions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:558-563.
Dreyfuss M, Caudle K, Drysdale AT, Johnston NE, Cohen AO, Somerville LH, Galván A, Tottenham N, Hare TA, Casey BJ (2014). Teens impulsively react rather than retreat from threat. Developmental Neuroscience, 36:220-227. pdf.
Galván A (2014). Insights about adolescent behavior, plasticity and policy from neuroscience research. Neuron, 83:262-265. pdf
Telzer, EH, Fuligni, AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A (2014). Neural sensitivity to eudaimonic and hedonic rewards: Differential correlates with adolescent depressive symptoms over time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111:6600-6605. pdf.
Telzer EH, Miernecki M, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman, MD, Galván A* (2014). The quality of adolescents’ peer relationships modulates neural sensitivity to risk taking. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [Epub ahead of print]. pdf.
Barkley-Levenson E, Galván A* (2014). Neural representation of expected value in the adolescent brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111:1646-1651.pdf.
Galván A, Peris, T (2014). Neural correlates of risky decision making in anxious youth and healthy controls. Depression and Anxiety, 31: 591-598. Link.
Rahdar E, Galván A* (2014). The cognitive and neurobiological effects of daily stress in adolescents. NeuroImage, 92C:267-273. pdf.
Ray LA, Courtney KE, Hutchinson KE, MacKillop J, Galván A, Ghahremani DG (2014). Initial evidence that OPRM1 genotype moderates ventral and dorsal striatum functional connectivity during alcohol cues. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38: 78- 89. Link.
Peris, T, Galván A* (2013). Contextual modulation of medial prefrontal cortex to neutral faces in anxious adolescents. Biology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 3:18-23. link
Galván A (2013). Neural systems underlying reward and approach behaviors in childhood and adolescence. To appear in The Neurobiology of Childhood: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences Series. S.L. Andersen, D. Pine, B. Ellenbrook, M. Geyer, C. Marsden (Eds.) Springer-Verlag. Link.
Goldenberg D, Telzer EH, Lieberman MD, Fuligni AJ, Galván A* (2013). Neural correlates of control in sexually risky adolescents. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 6: 23-29. pdf.
Galván A (2013). Neural systems underlying reward and approach behaviors in childhood and adolescence. To appear in the The Neurobiology of Childhood: Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience Series. S.L. Anderson, D. Pine, B. Ellebbrook, M. Geyer, C. Marsden (Eds.) Springer-Verlag.
Galván A, Schonberg T, Kohno M, Poldrack RA, London ED (2013). Greater risk sensitivity of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in smokers than nonsmokers. Psychopharmacology, 229:345-355. link
Galván A (2013). Sensitivity to reward in adolescence. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22:100-105. pdf.
Galván A, McGlennen KM (2013) Enhanced striatal sensitivity to aversive reinforcement in adolescents versus adults. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25:284-296 (Epub 2012 Nov 19). Link.
Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A* (2013). The effects of poor quality sleep on brain function and risk taking in adolescence. NeuroImage, 71:275-283. pdf.
Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A* (2013). Meaningful family relationships: Neurocognitive buffers of adolescent risk taking. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25:374-387 (Epub 2012 Nov 19). pdf.
Barkley-Levenson E, van Leijenhorst L, Galván A* (2013). Behavioral and neural correlates of loss aversion and risk avoidance in adolescents and adults. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 3:72-83 (Epub 2012 Sep 27). pdf.
Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A* (2013). Ventral striatum activation to prosocial rewards predicts longitudinal declines in adolescent risk taking. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 3:45-52 (Epub 2012 Sep 3). pdf.
Jalbrzikowski M, Carter C, Senturk D, Chow, C, Hopkins JM, Green MF, Galván A, Cannon TD, Bearden CE (2012). Social cognition in 22q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome: Relevance to psychosis? Schizophrenia Research, 142: 99-107 (Epub 2012 Oct 31). pdf.
Galván A, Rahdar A (2012). The neurobiological effects of stress on adolescent decision making. Neuroscience. S0306-4522:01006-8 (Epub ahead of print). pdf.
Galván A , Van Leijenhorst L, McGlennen KM (2012). Considerations for imaging the adolescent brain. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2:293-302. pdf.
Galván A (2012). Judgement and decision-making in adolescence. In VF Reyna, S Chapman, M Dougherty, J Confrey (Eds) “The Adolescent Brain: Learning, Reasoning, and Decision Making. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (pp. 267-289). Link.
Congdon E, Mumford JA, Cohen JR, Galván A, Canli T, Poldrack RA (2012). Measurement and reliability of response inhibition. Frontiers in Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 3: 1-10. pdf.
Courtney KE, Arrellano R, Barkley-Levenson E, Galván A, Poldrack RA, MacKillop J, Jentsch JD, Ray LA (2012). The relationship between measures of impulsivity and alcohol misuse: An integrative structural equation modeling approach. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 36:923-931. pdf.
Galván A, McGlennen KM (2011). Daily stress increases risky decision-making in adolescents: A preliminary study. Developmental Psychobiology, 54:433-440. Link.
Galván A, Spatzier A, Juvonen J (2011). Perceived norms and social values to capture school culture in elementary and middle school. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 32:346-353. pdf.
Galván A, Poldrack RA, Baker CM, McGlennen KM, London ED (2011). Neural correlates of response inhibition and cigarette smoking in late adolescents. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36:970-978. pdf.
Casey BJ, Hare, TA, Galván A. Risky and impulsive components of adolescent decision-making. MR Delgado, E. Phelps & T Robbins (Eds). Attention and Performance XXII: Decision Making, Affect, and Learning. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Link.
Castel AD, Humphreys KL, Lee SS, Galván A, Balota DA, McCabe DP (2011). The development of memory efficiency and value-directed remembering across the life span: a cross-sectional study of memory and selectivity. Developmental Psychology, 47:1553-1564. pdf.
Galván A (2010). Adolescent development of the reward system. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 4:6-14. pdf.
Galván A (2010). Neural plasticity of development and learning. Human Brain Mapping, 31:879-890. Link.
Congdon E, Mumford J, Cohen J, Galván A, Aron A, Xue G, Miller E, Poldrack RA (2010). Engagement of large-scale networks is related to individual differences in inhibitory control. Neuroimage 53:653-663. pdf.
Tottenham, N., Hare, T., Quinn, B., McCarry, T., Nurse, M., Gilhooly, T., Millner, A., Galvan, A., Davidson, M., Eigsti, I.M., Thomas, K.M., Freed, P., Booma, E.S., Gunnar, M., Altemus, M., & Aronson, J., Casey, B.J. (2010) Prolonged institutional rearing is associated with atypically larger amygdala volume and difficulties in emotion regulation. Developmental Science 13: 46-61. pdf.
Juvonen J, Galván A. (2009). Bullying as a means to foster compliance. M. Harris (Ed). Bullying, Rejection and Peer Victimization: A Social Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York, NY: Springer Publishing (pp 299-318) Link.
Casey BJ, Getz S, Galván A (2008). The adolescent brain. Developmental Review 28: 62-77. pdf.
Juvonen J, Galván A (2008). Peer influence in involuntary social groups: Lessons from research on bullying. Peer Influence Processes Among Youth, (pp.225-244). Mitchell J Prinstein & Kenneth A. Dodge, Eds. New York: Guilford Press. Link.
Hare TA, Tottenham N, Galván A, Voss H, Glover G, Casey BJ. (2008) Biological substrates of emotional reactivity and regulation in adolescence during an emotional go-nogo task. Biological Psychiatry 63:927-934. pdf.
Galván A, Hare TA, Voss H, Glover G, BJ Casey (2007). Risk-taking and the adolescent brain: Who is at risk? Developmental Science 10:F8-F14. pdf.
Durston S, Davidson MC, Mulder MJ, Spicer JA, Galván A, Tottenham T, Scheres A, Castellanos FX, Casey BJ (2007). Neural and behavioral correlates of expectancy violations in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48:881-889. pdf.
Spicer J*, Galván A*, Hare TA, Voss H, Glover G, Casey BJ (2007). Sensitivity of the nucleus accumbens to violations in expectation of reward. NeuroImage 34:455-461. *Denotes equal author contribution. pdf.
Galván A, Hare TA, Parra CE, Penn J, Voss H, Glover G, Casey BJ (2006). Earlier development of the accumbens relative to orbitalfrontal cortex might underlie risk-taking behavior in adolescence. Journal of Neuroscience 26:6885-6892. pdf.
Durston S, Davidson MC, Tottenham NT, Galván A ,Spicer J, Fossella JA, Casey BJ (2006). A shift from diffuse to focal cortical activity with development. Developmental Science 9:1-8. pdf.
Galván A, Hare T, Davidson MC, Spicer J, Glover G, Casey BJ (2005). The role of ventral frontostriatal circuitry in reward-based learning in humans. Journal of Neuroscience 25:8650-8656. pdf.
Casey BJ, Galván A, Hare TA (2005). Changes in cerebral functional organization during cognitive development. Current Opinions in Neurobiology 15: 239-244. pdf.
Durston S, Fossella JA, Casey BJ, Hulshoff Pol HE, Galván A, Schnack HG, Steenhuis MP, Minderaa RB, Buitelaar JK, Kahn RS, van Engeland H (2005). Differential effects of DRD4 and DAT genotype on fronto-striatal gray matter volumes in boys with ADHD, their unaffected siblings and controls. Molecular Psychiatry 10:678-685. pdf.
Casey BJ, Davidson MC, Hara Y, Thomas KM, Martinez A, Galván A, Halperin JM, Rodriguez-Aranda CE, Tottenham N (2004). Early development of subcortical regions involved in non-cued attention switching. Developmental Science 7:534-542. pdf.
Casey BJ, Durston S, Tottenham N, Eigsti I-M, Galván A, Davidson MC, Fossella J (2004). Disruption of frontostriatal circuitry, dopamine and cognitive control in ADHD. In Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience of Psychopathology, D. Barch (Ed.) Oxford.